Sunday night I prepared an awesome Moroccan henna treatment that I applied overnight and rinsed out yesterday morning. I believe I almost have this recipe down to an exact science. I will do a few more before I release it. This means by the end of the month I should absolutely have the exact recipe that I refer to when doing the Moroccan henna treatment. I did add amla powder to it to see the difference so this obviously threw off the measurements and and why I need a few extras to get it right.
On thing interesting to note is the color of this henna. I'm not sure why it turned this color and I wanted to determine if adding the amla made it like this. I also added marshmallow root and I'm just not sure yet if this ingredient should be a staple in my Moroccan henna recipe. It does add slip and moisture but I must question if I want to rely on having the marshmallow root on hand every time I do a treatment. ...I mean, I already have to stock the henna powder, cocoveda oil, aloe juice, etc. I really do have a lot of marshmallow power, it is beneficial, and I do use it in almost every herbal treatment I do. So again, I'm just going to let that ingredient simmer on the sideline for a few until I know for sure.

So back to the amla- I wont know about the color for a few days. I must wait for it to oxidize to determine what color it has given me. I let this henna sit for 1.5 hours before I applied it and let it sit in overnight. I do not like to do this as my head starts to itch. This doesn't happen all the time, but it happens more than enough for me to know that leaving in henna or conditioner for an extended amount of time is a no no. I'd say 4 hours to 6 hours is the longest for me.
When I rinsed the henna out my hair was well moisturized and I didn't feel the need to deep conditioner, but you know I did! I used the new Cantu Shea butter deep treatment masque. I added oils and stuff but I wish I hadn't. I really needed to try this on it's own to say how it really works. It was okay but I'm not in the position to give a fair review since I left it on for an extended time while asleep and my cling wrap slid off my head, exposing some hair and making it feel harder as it dried slight- I did not mean for it to dry in any way.
As those of you who follow me already know, I am doing a stretch of hennas once a week for four weeks, then stopping for four weeks and then picking it up again for the course of 6 months at least. This does not mean that I will not do them in between the off time , it just means that I have a schedule that I will fulfill and extra henna treatments are even better.
I am doing this to prove to myself that the Nupur henna, another awesome henna, is slower at building on my strands when compared to the Jamila, Moroccan, or other, more pure hennas ( that do not contain other herbs) that build a lot faster. At the end of 6 months I will compare the roots of my strands that were previously not coated ( but supposed to be coated with the Nupur henna after using it for a year just about), to the ends of my strands that are thicker and were previously coated with the Jamila and Moroccan hennas.
I predict that, by using the Moroccan Henna, my roots will be some what thicker than they were when compared to the ends when I was using the Nupur henna. What makes this experiment fool proof is that for one, once the ends of your hair reached full saturation, that is it- they will not gain more thickness. Secondly, I used the Nupur henna for a year and will only be using the Moroccan for 6 months when I do the comparison- this means that if there is any kind of thickness of my strands in the lesser time alloted for the Moroccan henna to build, then it already stands that the more pure hennas are faster at building on the strands. And lastly, henna is merely just an experimental treatment that you change to suit the needs of your hair. Sometimes you get it right, other times it's not so right...
Ok, enough about my experiment..has anyone else had a love affair with henna like I have? LOL