It's been a very, very long time since I've posted! So many things have changed, from being texlaxed, then to natural, and then doing a complete big chop by shaving my head bald! Many things in my personal life have changed as well, from moving to a new location, obtaining a new degree, and another possible move in the making.
This time around I plan on uploading my photos differently, so that they will not be deleted as in previous posts. Unfortunately, I lost much valuable footage when I transferred new phones a few years back, and everything associated with my blog was deleted- hence the missing photos.
This time I am back, somewhat textlaxed again, and ready to start my henna journey from scratch. I plan on doing posts that will help fill in some of the missing two years I've been gone. This blog will continue to be used as a diary of my hair experiences, from henna recipes, product reviews, and more, that I enjoy sharing and looking back on. Please feel free to join me :-)
Healthy Hair Blessings!