The first time I
purchased and used Carol’s daughter’s hair products I was not too
pleased: the shampoo was extremely drying and the leave- in conditioner
was a watery mess that sat on top of my hair. The hair butter had beeswax in it and weighed down my fin strands. The deep conditioner was nice, but it was soooo small for such an expensive jar! The older version of hairmilk was nice also, but it was very wet and ready to revert my straight hair!
pre-poo treatment.
As for the Beaux
cheveux products, I first saw them on the top right side of the harlista
homepage. I clicked into it and was immediately sucked in by the
overflowing cloud of pre-poo fluff threatening to erupt out of the jar….how lovely the ingredients were and how amazing would that feel on my hair? There was no time trying to figure this out based on someone else’s review- I’d solely have to figure this one out for myself! I also ended up purchasing the black tea rinse spritz that you can use with the prepoo. The items were purchased through google check out on November 29th and I received them December 3rd-
not bad!
I first prepooed with
the Beaux Cheveux. I re-examined the ingredients on the side of the jar
and couldn't wait to see how the actual compared to the visual on the
site. One might think with such simple ingredients that this product could be easily duplicated, but don’t be fooled as it soon proved to be delicately executed! It is also nicely priced at $9.95 for an 8 oz jar, about the price of shea w/o all the added goodies. This pre poo was without a doubt as creamy, fluffy, and buttery as one could
get it and it was definitely ‘as pictured.’ ….IMMEDIATELY I thought of
shea soufflé! I rubbed my finger across the top of it just to make sure and it was far smoother that I dreamed and melted quicker than shea butter. I applied it to my strands in about 6
sections concentrating on the ends ( I don’t have too much hair) and it didn’t take much to spread or to saturate my hair. It practically looks as though I have not even used it! I feel I can get many more applications out of it, at least 5-8! We’ll see!
My hair was already full of the burdock root butter cream so I wasn’t sure how it would react atop all the product in my hair. I covered my hair with a shower cap and slept with it overnight. The smell lingered but it wasn’t bad at all. Kind of like a light and herbal powdery scent….it actually smells very close to Carol’s daughter’s ‘some of marguerite’s magic.’ Once I took my cap off I was surprised to feel that my hair was hard and straw like, but not hard enough to break per say. Could it have been the product already in my hair? Either way, it is supposed to work as a pre shampoo ‘before’ I wash my hair, so I’m assuming that means on top of products.?. After washing it out I felt my hair was still somewhat hard but more strong than anything. After using the shampoo it was more moisturized and did feel strong. I would keep this pre poo around a bit longer as it did smell nice, applied well, and worked well with shampooing.
As for the Tui herbal
shampoo, this was not nearly as drying as it was before. I'm not sure if
it’s because my hair is in much better shape as compared to four years
ago, or if it was for the pre poo. Either way I don’t think I will be finding out since I always do a prepoo. The shampoo lathered nicely and I did two rounds. I found that I need to use more of this for coverage than any other shampoo I have tried thus far. The tui smell is just so awesome, one that I definitely have a hard time describing. After the two products were used my hair was left feeling strong. It wasn’t dry and not overly moisturized and I could even go without conditioning (something I would never do). I
continued with my btr and dc and I am loving the results!!!! I am
almost 8 weeks post relaxer. I most certainly need more time with the two products to see if they are true keepers.
Stay tunned!
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