Today I did a Nupur Henna treatment. I have decided to document on my blog every time I do a henna treatment to minize the places I have written things. This will also allow you to understand when and why I henna when I do.
Most of what I do with my hair is done PRN ( as needed). There is very little of a routine that I actually follow. This henna was done because the ends of my hair are looking a bit frazzled.. I'm not sure why they are like this but it's also been a while since I've done a protein treatment. My hair does not like heavy protein, so I usually use phytoproteins or silk proteins which are less harsh. I also turn to henna which binds to the protein in my hair , making the hair stronger and the ends 'look' better.
By no means am I trying to cover up split ends. the only way to get rid of them is to cut them. Henna does make them look better. My ends may not be split per say, but they are uneven. This year I wanted tot do more henna and less cutting of my hair. The past 3 years I have cut cut cut to get rid of unhealthy hair.
Now back to my Henna treatment- I finally measured it!
Henna Recipe:
1/3 cup nupuru henna
1/8 cup kalpi tone ( add this after dye release, I was absent minded and added it before, silly me
1.5 cups of coconut milk that was frozen from the last henna I did- just thawed it out
after the dye release:
2 tbs coconut oil
1 tbs honey
~3tbs hairveda's 24/7 moist ( that I'm trying to get rid of)
*after the henna has sat for 4 hours, all of the coconut oil has been soaked up. to restore that pudding-like creamy consistency just add more warm coconut oil, or in my case I added the conditioner.
This treatment turned out awesome! My hair was so soft, moisturized and thick that I could not wait to style it the next day.
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