Last week I pulled out my Nupur Henna powder from the freezer. I never intended on turning my back on Nupur, I just figured that I always wanted to do the most beneficial henna at any time, being that it is very time consuming. Those of you who follow me understand that I tucked away my Nupur Henna to gain more dye release from my Morroccan henna: Upon observation of my strands, I realized that after a year of Nupur my strands had not become any thicker at the middle and closer to the base of my strands. This led me to believe that while Nupur is great at conditioning my hair, this blend of other herbs ( and not purely henna) was why this henna was not building on my strands. So I went back to what I knew best- My Jamila that definitely thickened by strands, and my Moroccan that had all the elements of what great henna is supposed to be ( great color, fast dye release, not gritty, etc).
Well, I'm getting low on my Moroccan henna stash and will not be ordering until the end of the month, black Friday. Also, I do have Nupur henna that needs to be used- henna does go bad where the dye release isn't that potent and, remember, I want the most out of every henna experience.
So what did I do? Well since I've always trusted other's research on Nupur's Dye release, I figured I'd do some research of my own. The package's directions says to let it sit for 3-4 hours, but my henna sister said that she got great release when she let it sit out for 8 hours plus, like her Jamilia. ***Side note: If you don't have gray hairs yourself, it's best to ask someone about their henna experience who does, as gray hairs have lost their pigment and soak up the henna like non other, blond hair being the next best.*** I also understand that this year's Jamila dye release is very quick, so 8 hours may be too much to let it sit out.
Pictured below you will find my own Nupur Henna Dye Release test done on my palm. The blob on the left ( your left as you look at the photo) is the stain it left on my hand after sitting for 4 hours and had been wiped off my hand after 2 mins and rinsed, not scrubbed . The blob on the right shows what the henna looks like after 8 hours, and the blog in the middle shows what the henna looks like after it sat for 8 more hours in the refrigerator ( both applied for 2 mins also and wiped off)... so this picture was taken only after the middle stain had been wiped off. This means that the middle stain is very close in color to the right stain, so if it had time to oxidize like the other two just imagine how much darker this stain would have been!?! I mean, those of you looking for a brown color and not a red- isn't this just beautiful? And if you add indigo to it, just imagine how much darker a chocolate brown you could achieve!?

This is breaking news my henna friends! I have been using the Nupur incorrectly all this time ( well, incorrectly for what I've been trying to achieve ! When I mixed this batch which made three henna sessions ( really four but I did not split them evenly) I was sure to freeze them after 8 hours. I plan on doing a henna stain test again and letting it oxidize over night to see what color it yields. But in the future, once this batch is done, I plan on doing more extensive henna dye release tests on this Nupur Henna and on my Moroccan henna, just so I can understand the behavior on different types of henna for myself.
So what does this mean for my Moroccan henna? Nothing. Simply put, Moroccan henna can never be replaced :-) I just ♥ ❤ ❥ the warm and chocolate browns that Nupur Henna produces...

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