I've been excited about my affair with Sukesh Ayurevda from hennasooq. This really makes my hair feel great. I loved the results I got using the rhassoul recipe from hennasooq so I mixed my sukesh this time using those ingredients, substituting the coconut oil for black tea and of course the rhassoul clay for the sukesh powder. This way I cans skip my black tea rinse for this week :-)
3 T Sukesh
1t Dutch Cocao Powder
1t Organic Marshmallow root
1/3 c Black Tea ( 8 tea bags to a little over 2 cups of h2O)
~Mix with hot, not boiling) black tea into the powder mix, let sit for 10 minutes
then add:
1t Honey
1t Coconut Oil
1T warmed Conditioner
At first I though the mixture may have been too runny, but it wasn't at all...it actually was quite THICK! Next time I plan on adding maybe a 1/2 cup of the Tea, and more warm conditioner at the end as needed. I'm trying to get the measurements down for myself and those of you who like to know things exactly.
Remember I had that issue with the tiny 'crumbs' being left behind? Well I coated my hair FIRST with coconut oil before doing the treatment to see if it helped with rinsing these tiny particles out. I rinsed the same exact way to see if there was a difference...and there wasn't! Tiny particles still remained.
The up side of this is that I had barely rinsed....so all I had to do was to cowash it out a few times as I used to do with henna before I got lazy . I then did a moisturizing deep conditioner for 20 minutes after. My hair felt a tad bit too moisturized, so I grabbed for my protein cowash which quickly restored the protein/moisture balance.
At the end of it all, my hair was strong ( not AS strong ( and odd-I'm ironing out the details
) of the rhassoul recipe), bouncy and most importantly...CLEAN! I am so upset with shampoo right now, and I am wondering if this could take the place of shampoo all together....would I still need to clarify/chelate with my creamy aloe once a month??? This is worth some research!
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