So about that Teatree mint update: I co washed my hair with it after prepooing again and I liked it a lot- I do not Love it, but I do like it. The smell is just so awesome and this does not dry out my hair or anything, so I can see it being a definite repurchase, but nothing close to the top of my list. It's hydrating, not moisturizing.
*Skip to the bottom of the page for the organix awapuhi conditioner review only.
So what's really the difference between the two? Moisturizing is creating a barrier to prevent water loss, while hydrating is binding water to something like a humectant and keeping in ( on our skin or the hair strand). SO, with that said, although it is not drying, I only mean that I still need to add moisture to my hair after this ( it doesn't literally feel like it deposited water into my hair). This means that after I cowash with the Teatree Mint condish I cannot just add some oils to my partially air dried hair and go- I need to be sure to add my leave-ins and then my oils on top of it to make sure my hair stays soft and moisturized.
Still confused? Think about it like this:
Drinking water helps your body stay hydrated, and helps the body and hair better absorb vitamins. Think Hydrated-Hydro- water. you can also read this incredible article on hair and water here.
Hydrated= fertilizing your body with water ( or the roots) so that your hair ( the plants) will grow
Moisturizing= adding moisture will keep the hair supple and shiny
Sealing= sealing with an oil will ensure the moisture does not escape, but that the mositure stays bound to the hair.
So lately I've been a little bombarded- I mean, you know when life gets the best of you, but you know you have so much to be appreciative for, but you just wanna sulk in your misery, but you have so many blessings surrounding you that you'd feel ungrateful to allow such nonsensical frivolity to disturb even a second of your purpose-driven life? well, yeah, that's me at the moment. I have so much going on at the moment. I no longer experience stress the way I used to, with extreme bouts of anxiety and hyperventilating, accompanied by extreme migraines and longs spans of not eating with a constant sense of fear of the unknown. Now, instead, I experience stress in my neck, shoulders, hands, and feet that ache and are extremely tensed. If I don't correlate the two, I may not even be aware that I am stressed, but will just excuse these symptoms as a lack of exercise, or old age approaching .
I really cannot wait to cowash my hair again! Two thums up for my first experience with awapuhi!
*picture from,,