I spent my weekend at my mother's in preparation to braid her hair and to walk for breast cancer. It took me nearly 9 hours to finish, with a few small breaks and 1 hour break. We opted for a less expensive brand of hair, but without consequence. The braids were lovely, however, the hair was horrible and would barely hold a curl. With wet and wavy there is just no way around buying quality hair.

This walk marks the very first walk that I was a part of on Long Island that involved my sister and mom. When they walked in the past it wasn't for anyone alive, in particular. But this time the walk way personal, very personal.
I crocheted a few scarfs so we'd be walking in style! I used an awesome baby yarn of a pink color I just could not turn down. Unfortunately, this particular brand was not on sale, but a great scarf makes for a warm neck and I couldn't cut corners here :-( In the picture above I wore a band around my head I also crocheted.

The only problem that I had with this yarn is that the first and last two feet look like the picture above. I could not use this and had to cut it off. This makes for a huge waste.
When I got back my hair hadn't been washed for 3 days. On day 1 I used the Creme Of Nature Argan Oil Perfect Edges and then the Arganics Edge Smoothing Gel on top of my second day hair. Since it didn't hold has well as I would have liked , I used the argan oil one again on the third day. Well let me tell you that when I went to cowash, my edges were a bid dried out and crispy. I have never had this problem with the creme of Nature Argan Oil Line, so it had to be the arganics line. There was no way a quick cowash was going to remove this reside and moisturize my strands. I had to shampoo this stuff out of my hair. So after cowashing to find that I needed a shampoo, I let my hair air dry almost fully and then based my scalp with warm coconut oil in preparation for my shampoo in the morning.
I shampooed with dessert essence coconut shampoo, did a sukesk treatment ( and added a bit more powders of shakaki, tulsi and amla), deep conditioned with the Proclaim Argan Oil Hydrating Mask and then cowashed with Hair Chemist Macadamia Oil Deep Repair Masque and my hair was so soft afterwards. I have been using these two moisture masks/masques without heat or any added ingredients such as oils, honey, or vegetable glycerin and they have worked just fine.If they work this great without these ingredients one can only imagine how much better they'd be after this added boost!
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