I've been using the Renpure Organics Reconstructor as my protein deep condition for many months now and I love it. I have never tried any other product from their line, but I recently saw their new line on display at Walgreens. This new product line was well in the making as my beloved reconstructor was on sale months ago and was being discontinued. So I wanted to try what was now taking its' place.
Renpure Organics Sweet Pomegranate Cleansing Conditioner

Smells sweet. Too SWEET. In fact, so sweet that it became sickening...Cool Aide sickening. Of course this observation soon became clear while it sat on top of my head...uggh. Like most of the reviews have said- it isn't good and it doesn't compare to the other cleansing conditions I have tried. It doesn't spread at all, there is no slip what so ever, and it feels like it did not penetrate my strands but instead sat plopped right on top of them! I then reached for the Brazilian Keratin Conditioner....
Renpure Organics Brazilian Keratin Straightening Conditioner

SO... this was the next bottle I grabbed for to take away the horrible feeling of lotion in my hair, aka the cleansing conditioner above, that had been previously applied. It smelled like coconut with low notes of cocoa butter and shea. I like it. Any way, as I put this on my hair I could think only of the words a women on youtube that reviewed it had described. She said it was very thick, but once applied there is so much slip that it appeared to take on a thinner consistency. This creamy concoction cut directly through my new growth, melting it down to nothing less than butter. OH. My. Sweet. Goodness......
SOOOOO...After letting it air dry the pomegranate smell was still there! So I knew right away I was going to rewash my hair that evening to get the smell out. Instead of using the Brazilian line, this time I would grab for another line of Theirs I purchased...
Renpure Organics Argan Oil Shampoo & Conditioner

Yes, this is what I grabbed for to take away that yucky too sweet pomegranate scent that should only come in the form of food or a drink- nothing to put into hair! Ok, so I really hate that smell, can you tell? So back to the shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo was pretty moisturizing. I clarified first using Organic Root Stimulator Creamy Aloe Shampoo and then followed up with this shampoo. It was pretty decent to be non sulfate but I have tried better. Not too bad though. Then I put in the conditioner and this was really nice. It could have been better but my hair went through so much that day that I should have done a deep conditioner or at least have left it in a bit longer. When I tried it again as a co wash and used the Argan Oil Deep Penetrating treatment on damp hair I really liked the results. I will definitely purchase this combination again. I cant wait to use it on my sons' hair. I will be sure to update you on it!
Note: the Brazilian line has other components like the shampoo and straightening treatment. Because of the keratin and possible protein overload, I will not be using this conditioner too often.
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